Find out more about our coffee certifications!

CSC – Certified Specialty Coffee
Certified Specialty Coffee (CSC) is an association founded in 1996 by a group of experienced, passionate roasters, with a shared vision to promote a culture of quality coffee, to be recognised as a conscious choice rather than a mere habit.
By applying strict procedures to the entire production chain, CSC guarantees and certifies the highest quality standards to be found on the international market.
ISO 22005 certification provides a further guarantee of food supply chain traceability.
Oversight, from the estate to the cup!
The certification not only guarantees oversight of compliance with processing procedures by the various parties involved, from the producer to the roaster; it also extends to verifying the effective quality of the coffee through tasting.
Visit the website to find out more: caffèspeciali.it

Organic – Organic Coffee Certification
Organic farming practices encompass the entire farming system: making the most of the natural fertility of the soil, promoting the biodiversity of the specific environment, and avoiding the use of synthetic products and GMOs.
The term “organic farming” therefore refers to a growing method that prohibits the use of synthetic chemical substances (fertilisers, weedkillers and insecticides).
This translates into a production model that avoids excessive exploitation of natural resources, which are instead used as part of a sustainable development model. We are strong believers in the value of organic farming criteria.
One of the coffees of which we’re proudest is our CACE Alto Palomar, an organic coffee that we have worked directly with the producers to perfect in terms of quality.
For certification to be awarded, the producer and all other members of the organic supply chain – including Le Piantagioni del Caffè – are subject to checks by the inspection bodies, to ensure that the product meets the required standards. Only in the event of strict compliance with these procedures can a coffee bear the organic certification mark.

Fairtrade Certification
Fairtrade is a global organisation that, via its certification mark, guarantees improved living and working conditions for producers and workers in developing countries.
The organisation works to develop quality products, which meet fair trade standards and come from monitored supply chains.
By bringing these products to the greatest number of people possible, awareness can be raised among consumers, companies and institutions of the impact of daily choices on production, purchasing and consumption.
For a coffee to be labelled Fairtrade, all members of the supply chain must meet the relevant standards.
Producers must therefore operate according to business development plans that involve sustainable farming practices, prohibit any form of discrimination among workers, include a ban on child labour, and make official hiring practices mandatory.
In the words of our Fairtrade friends, “We imagine a world where all producers can live and work in safe and sustainable conditions, can achieve their potential and decide on their future. Our ambition is to transform the global markets by promoting greater equity in international trade.”