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Coffee harvesting and processing

Hello, I’m Enrico from “Le Piantagioni del Caffè” and I will walk you through the harvesting and processing of coffee.

Coffee is harvested in the tropical belt and in situations that differ in altitude, longitude, and latitude.
An example?
In Brazil coffee is harvested from May to September whilst in Costa Rica from September or October until March.
There are two harvest methods: mechanized and manual.
Where it is possible one tends to make the mechanized harvest.
Manual harvesting, which is more traditional, however, allows for better regulation of quality.
We have to keep in mind that the higher the percentage of ripe cherries among those harvested, the higher the ultimate quality.
After the harvest, a complex process (to which today there are further more innovative ones) is carried out and it can be executed dry and/or wet.
The dry process is the traditional one, which involves sun-drying the cherries.
Instead in the wet one the cherries are first stripped, then fermented and washed,
and left to dry at the end.

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