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How to brew coffee with Melitta Dripper

Hello, I’m Paolo from “Le Piantagioni del Caffè” and in this video I will brew our Buenos Aires coffee with Melitta Dripper.

We already preheated the water at 92 Celsius degrees
(it is heated slightly more because in this case it is necessary to insist on heating the container so that the thick ceramic prevents the coffee from cooling too quickly).
Now I grind the coffee (right before brewing) and also in this case 30 grams of coffee per half a liter of water. Before pouring the water, I evenly distribute the powder.
I wait until the water reaches the desired temperature.
Then tare the scale, start the timer and begin to brew trying to cover all the ground coffee.
In this phase, the carbon dioxide escapes after the water has wet the coffee.
Let’s now prepare the coffee for the actual brewing.
About 30 seconds after the first pouring of water and the blooming is ending, keep pouring the remaining water with spiral motions from the inside out and vice versa.
Remember to find your own routine and rhythm to be constant.
Try not to reach the edge of the filter to prevent the coffee on the walls from not being brewed.
In the end, apply slight turbulence creating a small vortex with the help of a teaspoon.
If you are used to doing three circles with the spoon, always do it to maintain your routine and to ensure the same result.
Here too, once the brewing is over remove the exhausted coffee and the dripper,
and our coffee is ready to be served.

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