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How to brew coffee with Syphon

Hello, I’m Paolo from Le Piantagioni del Caffè and in this video I will brew one of our
single plantation coffees, Cachoeira da Grama, with the Syphon method.

In this case, one has to pour 25 grams of ground coffee into this upper chamber after 330 ml of water has boiled and has gone through the upper chamber.
So now we need to detach this upper part and leave it on her base.
We have already pre-heated our water to 90 degrees.
Pour it inside the bulb.
Let’s grind our coffee, as we said, 25 grams.
Here the grind is quite coarse, like sea salt, because the water will be heated at high temperatures then it will go through the upper chamber thanks to the vacuum.
If we grind too finely, we could have bitter notes, which are not pleasant.
Always check the ground coffee’s weight.
Remove it from the scale and turn on the butane stove.
Place it below the bulb and put on, without closing it, the upper part while waiting for the water to boil.
When we start seeing bubbling in the lower chamber, we can close the upper part.
There are bubbles, now we can close it. See the water going through the upper chamber.
Let’s wait for the water to rise a little more before pouring the coffee in to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the filter.
The filter is made of fabric and it is connected to a metal filter on the inside.
It’s time to pour the coffee and stir it.
Even here, always stir in the same number of rounds.
Wait about a minute, then lower the flame until it goes out.
Let’s stir some more and wait for the coffee to go down into the lower chamber.
When the brewing is over, we can detach the upper part trying not to get burnt.
My advice is to pour the coffee immediately in a glass or another sever because the lower part of the bulb has reached very high temperatures.
And if the coffee stays there, it will be over-extracted with undesirable bitter notes.

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