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How to recognize a good coffee

Hello, I’m Prunella from “Le Piantagioni del Caffè” and I would like to give you some tips
on how to learn to recognize quality coffee, whether espresso or filter.

Even if you are not a pro coffee taster, start by looking at the cream in the case of espresso.
The cream should be tigerish. Smell it before breaking it and try to focus on the scents.
Then smell it again right after breaking the cream. Now drink it, but not all in one go.
Sip it and try to figure out what it feels like.
As for filter coffee, still smell it before drinking it.
Then sip the coffee while it’s hot, when it becomes lukewarm and when it’s cold.
Especially if you are not a professional taster, it is easier to spot flaws in the coffee once it is cold.
In both cases, espresso or filter coffee, I suggest looking at yourself in the mirror while drinking it because your face will definitely convey some feeling you are experiencing.

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