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Coffee harvesting period

Hello, I’m Prunella from “Le Piantagioni del Caffè” and I’ll talk about the harvesting period of raw coffee in the countries of origin.

The harvesting period of raw coffee cherries varies greatly depending on the longitude.
Therefore each producing country has a precise harvesting period that usually lasts two or three months. But the harvesting periods can vary even within the same country because the cherries become ripe earlier or later if they are respectively in lower or higher altitude territories.
For example in Ethiopia, some Arabica coffee, which grows between 1400 and 1800 meters above sea level, is harvested between November and December.
Whereas some other Arabica coffee, which grows between 1800 and 2400 meters, is harvested from
January to February.
There are also some producing countries that have two very different harvesting periods during the same year.
Such as Colombia: the main one and the second one, called “Fly” or “Traviesa”, in which a lower quantity of raw coffee is produced.
Also in Brazil, which as we said is the first coffee world producer, raw coffee is harvested from May to September. So it takes a long time. But in Espirito Santo, where there is a pretty small production, coffee is harvested from July to November.

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