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Ulya Coffee Mill

Anglinp, South Waghi, Jiwaka

Our days on the plantation in a remote region of Papua New Guinea

This lot takes its name from the mill in which it is processed.


Sitting in the shadow of Mount Bangeta, the land is filled with winding waterways that help distribute much-needed volcanic nutrients throughout the soil.

Manual selection of ripe cherries for an exceptional specialty coffee

Where does the coffee we have selected originate?

Traditionally, these remote regions of Papua New Guinea are difficult to traverse, meaning many producers have to carry their crop over long distances to receive factory door prices.


Fortunately for communities in Arufa, the region benefits from accessible roads, providing producers with access the mill.

How this coffee is harvested and why we chose it

This coffee is selectively handpicked; with producers aiming to only pick ‘full maroon


The result is an exceptional coffee with a very intense sweetness and a very fruity sensory profile with notes of pineapple, papaya and blackberry.

Ulya coffee mill
Ulya coffee mill

Some data:

  • Botanical varieties: Typica, Bourbon
  • Processing: natural
  • Harvest: september – november
  • Drying: on suspended beds
  • Altitude: 1.653 m asl

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